2 Haziran 2018 Cumartesi

Rick Dolphijn - The Cracks of the Contemporary VI: The Wound (Video)

SONIC ACTS FESTIVAL - THE NOISE OF BEING Rick Dolphijn - The Cracks of the Contemporary VI: The Wound 25 February 2017 - De Brakke Grond, Amsterdam, The Netherlands --- The Cracks of the Contemporary VI: The Wound Rick Dolphijn proposes that we think about the wound and its relation to time from a posthuman, new materialist perspective. When mapping the wound, we should ask ourselves: how does the wound travel? In what way does it realise the war trauma and the fascist State? In what way does it not only crack the relation between nature and culture but also give rise to environmental disaster? Rick Dolphijn is a writer and a philosopher. He wrote Foodscapes: towards a Deleuzian Ethics of Consumption, New Materialism: Interviews and Cartographies (with Iris van der Tuin), and edited (with Rosi Braidotti) This Deleuzian Century: Art, Activism, Life and Philosophy After Nature. He is finishing editing A World is Born Here: How Michel Serres Thinks Currents and Codes. He teaches at Utrecht University and holds a honorary associate professorship at Hong Kong University. He works on continental philosophy, contemporary art, activism and life. His new monograph is entitled The Cracks of the Contemporary.

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